"St John Otautau gratefully accepted a cheque for $1,559, from PGG Wrightson and Ballance Agri-Nutrients, in connection with the Cash for Communities programme.
This donation will help assist our local community in future care, via gear upgrades, and help keep the local shuttle running."
Anna Nicolson, Station Manager - St John Otautau




"Many thanks to PGG Wrightson and Ballance Agri-Nutrients for their Cash for Communities contribution of $605. We used this donation to support our school initiative focusing on science. This included running a lunchtime science club and whole day science workshops. The funding will allow us to provide equipment and consumables for these programmes."
Wendy Bamford, Principal - Wanaka Primary School




"PGG Wrightson and Ballance Agri-Nutrients' Cash for Communities programme has been supporting the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter for many years and this support is invaluable to keeping the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter flight ready 24/7. Approximately half of the work undertaken by the helicopter is rurally related or on a rural location, often in locations that are inaccessible to other forms of assistance."
Grant Bremner, Chief Pilot/Base Manager - Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter


Sponsorship Applications

PGG Wrightson is focused on our vision of helping grow the country. The aim of our sponsorship involvement is to support rural activities which promote excellence in farming and ultimately help grow the country.


Sponsorships must fit the following criteria and all requests are to be made via the online application form. Our preference is to sponsor through an in-kind contribution such as the use of PGG Wrightson vouchers, marquee supply or the provision of people to help, ie judges.


Criteria for sponsorships include:

  • The sponsorship must be rurally focused
  • The sponsorship must not be focused on an individual
  • The sponsorship should be about growing expertise


In order to be considered for funding you must complete the application in full. Any incomplete applications will not be considered.


On receipt of your application we will respond within 12 working days.

Click to Apply

To apply for sponsorship please click the button below that reflects the coverage of your sponsorship. National if the activity covers most of the country, Regional if the activity is within a single or a group of regions, Local if the activity is within your nearest City, Community if the activity is in your local area, suburb or town.

We cannot consider any application that requires commitment or funding within 30 days of submitting this application.

Let's get started

Sponsorship Location

Is the sponsorship National, Regional or Local? Please select one.
National N
Regional R
Local L
First day of the project/activity
Last day of the project/activity
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